Chapter 3—Containing Underground Nuclear Explosions © 35

Figure 3-1—Formation of Stress “Containment Cage”

Compressive residual stress





1) Cavity expands outward and deforms surrounding rock. 2) Natural resistance to deformation stops expansion. 3) Cavity contract
(rebounds) from elastic unloading of distant rock. 4) Rebound locks in compressive residual stress around cavity.
SOURCE: Modified from Lawrence Livermore Nationa) Laboratory.

support a stress containment cage. Detonation within

weak,saturated clay is thought to have been a factor
in the release of the Baneberry test. As a result, sites
containing large amounts of water-saturated clay are
now avoided.
The final aspect of containment is the stemming
that is put in a vertical hole after the nuclear device
has been emplaced. Stemmingis designed to prevent
gas from traveling up the emplacement hole. Impermeable plugs, located at various distances along the
stemming column, force the gases into the surrounding rock whereit is ‘‘sponged up’’ in the pore spaces.
How the various containment features perform
depends on many variables: the size of the explosion, the depth of burial, the water content of the
rock, the geologic structure, etc. Problems may
occur when the containment cage does not form

completely and gas from the cavity flows either
through the emplacement hole or the overburden

material. When the cavity collapses, the steam

condenses and only noncondensible gases such as
carbon dioxide (CO,) and hydrogen (H,) remain in

the cavity.? The CO, and H, remainin the chimney

if there is available pore space. If the quantity of
noncondensible gases is large, however, they can act
as a driving force to transport radioactivity through

the chimney or the overlying rock. Consequently
the amount of carbonate material and water in the
rock near the explosion and the amount of ror
available for reaction are considered when evaluat.

ing containment.!°

The site for conducting a nuclear test 1s. al first
selected only on a tentative basis. The final decisiot
is made after various site charactenstics have beet
reviewed. The location, depth of bunal. and spaciny
are based on the maximum expected yield tor th
nuclear device, the required geometryof the fest. ani

the practical considerations of scheduling. conven
ience, and available holes. If none of the inventor
holes are suitable, a site is selected and a hol
The first scale for determining how deep a
explosion should be buried was denved trom th
Rainier test in 1957. The depth, based on the cub
root of the yield, was originally:

Depth = 300 (yield)
where depth was measured in feet and yield i

5Lack of a stress ‘‘containment cage" may notbe a serious problem if the medium is sufficently porous or if the depth of bunal 1s sufficent
The CO,is formed from the vaporization of carbonate material; while the H, is formed when water reacts with the iron in the nuclear device at
diagnostics equipment.

'0The carbonate material in Frenchman Flat created CO, that is thought to have caused a se¢p during the Diagonal Line test (Nov 24. 1971) Diagon

Line was the last test on Frenchman Flat. the area is currently considered impractical for underground testing largely because of the carbonate materti
'See ch. 2, ‘The Nevada Test Site,'’ for a description of the areas each Laboratory uses for testing.

Select target paragraph3