34 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

return (rebound) to its original position (
3-1(c)). The rebound creates a large compr
stress field, called a stress “‘containment c

around the cavity (figure 3-1(d)). The physics
stress containment cage is somewhat analoge
how stone archways support themselves. In th
of a stone archway, the weight of each stone p
against the others and supports the archway. |
case of an underground explosion, the rebo
rock locks around the cavity forming Stress
that is stronger than the pressure inside the c
The stress **containment cage”’ closes any fra
that may have begun and prevents new fra
from forming.

Photo cree: Harold E. Edgerton

Early phase of firebail from nuclear explosion.

Radioactive material produced by a nuclear explosion remains underground due to the combined
efforts of:
e the sealing nature of compressed rock around
the cavity,

@ the porosity of the rock,

e the depth of burial.

e the strength of the rock, and
* the stemming of the emplacementhole.
Counter to intuition, only minimal rock
strength is required for containment.
At first, the explosion creates a pressurized cavity
filled with gas that is mostly steam. As the cavity
pushes outward, the surrounding rock is compressed

(figure 3-1(a)). Because there is essentially a fixed

quantity of gas within the cavity, the pressure
decreases as the cavity expands. Eventually the
pressure drops below the level required to deform
the surrounding material (figure 3-1(b)). Mean-

while, the shock wave has imparted outward motion
to the material around the cavity. Once the shock
wave has passed, however, the material tries to

The predominantly steam-filled cavity even
collapses forming a chimney. Whencollapse o
the steam in the cavity is condensed through c:
with the cold rock falling into the cavity
noncondensible gases remain within the
chimney at low pressure. Once collapse o
high-pressure steam is no longer present to
gases from the cavity region to the surface.
If the test is conducted in porous material. si

alluvium or tuff, the porosity of the mediun

provide volume to absorb gases produced t
explosion. For example, all of the steam gen
by a 150 kiloton explosion beneath the water
can be contained in a condensed state with
volume of pore space that exists in a hemispt
pile of alluvium 200 to 300 feet high. Althougt
steam condenses before leaving the cavity rn
the porosity helps to contain noncondensible
such as carbon dioxide (CO,) and hydrogen
The gas diffuses into the interconnected pore
and the pressure is reduced to a level thatis tc

to drive the fractures. The deep water table an

porosity of rocks at the Nevada Test Site fac

Containment also occurs because of the pr
of overlying rock. The depth of burial prov
stress that limits fracture growth. For exampl

fracture initiated from the cavity grows, gas

from the fracture into the surrounding m:
Eventually, the pressure within the fractu
creases below what is needed to extend thefri
Atthis point, growth of the fracture stops and|
simply leaks into the surrounding matenal.
Rock strength is also an important asp
containment, but only in the sense that an ext
weak rock (such as water-saturated clay) °

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