We have also considered the suggestions which have been ad~
vanced that the uses to which these radioisotopes might be
put could possibly be disadvantageous to the security of
the United States,
The Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine believe that
the foreign radioactive distribution program for diagnosis,

therapy and research in biology and medicine is advantageous
to the United States and helps in assuring the broad scicntific progress which is so important to our national


The Advisory Committce for Biology and Medicine

strongly endorses continuation of the foreign distribution


Los Alanos,

The Deputy Director reported on his recent

studies of the existing and proposed biological, medical and
Los Alanos

biophysical programs at Los Alamos.

He stated that a closer

connection between the Health Division in the laboratory and

the staff of the hospital is needed,

However, it is not

deened advisable to attermt to place the hospital under the
airection of the University of California but rather to
attempt to develop the hospital as a comnunity enterprise
with a Board of Governors fron the citizens of Los Alamos,

It was the opinion of the Committee that it would be
advantageous to secure a highly qualified physician as Chief
of Professional Services as well as a hospital superintendent
trained in hospital administration.
It was recommended that these appointments be held in
abeyance until Dr, Rufus Rorem has completed his study,
sometime in July, of the medical care program at Los Alamos.



Select target paragraph3