


e.crty delmding at Heid hours confirred the Z°IR’ I reports,

fasod cn the

clove. picetretion and ZEStA I aireraft and initial helicopter sucvoy, reentry
hour ra: set for O900N, 23 May.

ie WILSON I conducted 2 search beginning et H+6 hours in a 20° cector,
tove sexring 075° through 090° with apex on RONGEPIN, end extending 3C0 miles
to ile Cast (:AB G6).


Flight Plan AS5LE was flown on Del day.

The wind pattern for ZUHI mainteined the forecast etzsility ead

cil signifitant fallout occurred within the danger area,

Tre 33,003 Set

} vel t.rned in to the Southeast sometime lpte on shot deve

ejlcut on islends to the southeast of BIKZIIM.

Tai eaucad Licht

Most stations reported

ivtersiiies of three or four tines baegeound by the end of tie Del Dey.

SAE IYI experienced lig:t fallout on Del Dey with everege inteasitdes ca the

erdar of five mr/fhr,


ENIWSTOK received very light fellout cn J+l Dae

RONGSRIK reported four mrfhr et 1800% on D+2, The ROVGRIK etation

icncimsed to report increasing inte:sities threugh 1S00K, dtl -men a p2ak of

13 -ar/hr was reached,



wwe wee

See ween eee


Select target paragraph3