DASA 2019-2

DONALDSON: Well, it's a rather lorg story.
back to that later.

Maybe we can come

EISENBUD: Okay. So when that hapvened, the Japanese immediately needed guidance as to how they could obtain certification, and
we worked out some quick screening procedures that seemed to be
all right because,

frankly, we didn't find any contaminated fish,


least during the period when Iwas there. They were, however,
dumping fish. Reports were coming in that this or that boat had
dumped its load of fish because it was found to be radioactive. We

arranged with the Japanese Government that no more fish would be

dumped until [ had a chance to look at them. Ih
> helicopter and
could go anywhere, But these reports would co.
a and one by one
they proved to be erroneous. The only explanation that seemed credible at the time was based on a knowledge of the tuna people that a
certain fraction of the Japanese boats would come in with defective
refrigeration gear and the fish would be spoiled. Normally this
would be a loss to the company, but now they had an out. [f the refrigerator went bad, all they had to do was dump their fish and say
that it was radioactive and then make a claim.
Well, this went on for several weeks.

But I did not...

DUNHAM: Maybe at this point we ought to ask Lauren, because
by this time he had been called cverseas.



When did you get there, Lauren?

May 24th.

I left May 19th.

So [ didn't even know you were there.

DORSON: May I ask a question about the earlier period, please?
You had said, Merril, that the Japanese did not have Geiger counters
and measuring equipment. You mean that all during this time thcy
had practicai.y no way themselves to monitor?
EISENBUD: That's right.
They had prewar equipment. [had
brought with me some scintillation gear and presented it to them and
this was the first time that they had actually had a scintillation counter in Japan. Of course, now they make excellent testers, as you all
know, But the original measurements were made with very primitive ionization Lhambers by Nishiwaki and a couple of others. Sol
was very much surprised by the fact that our own military people had

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