DASA 2019-2

leads to underestirnmation or miscalculation of the magnitude of the
nuclear event and its psychosocial consequences.
BRUES: This is because we've been brought up to have a twovalued way of locking at things, isn't it? That either we're frightened
or we're nat frightened. Actually, there are degrees of being frightened,
MILLET: I think one of the very interesting things is what motivates so many people to deny the facts when they are so readily
demonstrable, If the data are clear and are presented and they are
denied by intelligent people, otherwise intelligent people, there must
be some motivation known to them or unkrown to them which makes
it impossible for them to change their position. This brings us to
the questicn of when is a delusion not a delusion.


LANGHAM: [think it's a matter of biased values. There isn'ta
man in the field that isn't anxious to pet on with his part of the job,
and in dealing with these people you find that to them the highest
priority, consciously or subconsciously, is to get on with the job;
isn't that right, Dr. Warren?


LANGHAM: Invariably you'll find this conflict. The protection
man is obstinate in his way. He wants to doa job right, too. And
this is a conflict that's brought about by the bias. The bias is brought
about by the position in which the man finds himsel:.
MILLET: One wonders if there isn't something in our rational
culture which makes us orefer getting on and moving rather than
waiting and listening and finding out. I heard a comment last night
from iy neighbor here that the Americanpsychiatrists don't bother
to read forvign iiterature, for example.
LANGHAM: We have hawks and doves right now. I think probably
insofar as radiation protection and nuclear devices are conzernea |
might be classified as a hawk,

I still think one has to make haste,

but with caution, I think in some cases people who want to be cautious
may lose and in some cases they may win. At Greenhouse we had a
trick played on us which may amuse you. During Dog Shot, at which

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