much of the dust as possible because they wanted the dust for study.
So it could very easily have been in excess of £00 or maybe even

1,000 r.

DUNHAM: So it's possible, with this line that f've drawn—and you
called my attention to 1t thie morning~on the map, that ['ve come
much closer co the ship than is indicated there; the 800-r fine might
have been quite close,

not 20 miles away.

EISENBUD: The fallout on the ship was estimated to have been
50 curies per square meter, which is going to make some of you
wince, but I think it's a pretty good estimate. It was made by the
Japanese ina very interesting way. They took surfaces and sprinkled
sugar on the surfaces and then asked the fishermen,

independently of

each other, to pick a surface which looked like the ship at the time
of the fallout. The opinions clustered arourd a certain couple of
slabs, and since they had samples of the fallout, they couid estimate
what the activity was. The best estimate is around 50 curies per
square meter, which is quite a heavy dose.
BUSTAD: Wasn't one of the difficulties that some of the crew
members swept up the fallout and put it under their pillow?

I don't know that.

DUNHAM: One of them put some in his pocket, I believe, to take

home as a sovvenir,

MILLET: Thus far, we have heard that those in charge thought
they knew, but they did not. Whether or not the fault lay with meteorologists, admirals, generals or scientists may not be important except to those who want to define history in its greatest detail.
No information reached the United States for 36 hours. There was
incredible disbelief that the event had occurved, And disbelief was
true not only for this episode, but as Dr. Dunham has mentioned, for
malaria, and as Dr, Fremont-Smith said, it was t-ue also for psychoneuroses, It happened subsequently with respect to radiation exposure,
as we will hear later in this meeting.
I wonder if there are not really two kinds of psychological features

with which we should be concerned: one is the fear of radiation effects
among exposed persons, and the other pertains tu the psychology that

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