DASA 2019-2

on water samples, we reaiized that there was fallout that went into
the ocean, The probabilities of hitting those atol’s are pretty small,
They were a very small fraction of the total water surface exposed,
Well, there was about two years of wrangling over what should be
done to Castle, the series we're concerned with here, There was a
very, very influential yroup of peovle, both among the military and
civilians, who insisted that there never was any Mike failout, that it
all went up into the stratosphere and that probably most of it was in
outer space, and there even were calculations to prove it. But once
again we felt that this had to be looked into. However, because of a
very low probability that there would be fallout on these atolls,


they were so small, anda greater probability that it would al! go into
the ocean, we began to devise schemes for laying artificial islands,
This has never been reported, largely because the information got
Jost in what happened afterwards, ut on the day of the shot we actually
were off the Florida coast in a Navy- supported operation, in which
drums of viscous oil were being dumped from aircraft in such a way
that it was hoped that an oil raft would lay on the surface long enough
so that fallout would lay on the top and then a plane with suitable instrumentation could swoop down and make measurements,
This worked. The test fallout materizl was some iron filings that
were irradiated in the Brookhaven reactor and dropped on these oil
rafts. Plans were under way for snipping large amounts of oil out to
the Pacific to lay down these raits so that we could find out whether
or not there was fallout.

The idea was to wait until the shot was fired,

find out the direction in which the fallout was likely to occur, send

aircraft out co drop the oil rafts, then wait a few hours and send the
aircraft in again with instruments to see if there was anything on
Well, actually, in parallel with that there were instruments put on
that island,


but those...

That island?

EISENBUD: On these islands. The nearest one to Rongelap was
the instrument put on Rongerik. Ithink this is revealing because it
simply serves to illustrate the tremendous tenacity with which certain people just refuse to accept facts.
DUNHAM: I think that one of the problems is that you see people
around Bikini all the time, They stayed there even when the thing was

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