DASA 2019-2


MILLET: My name is Jack Millet. [am a psychiatrist anda
If you've beea thinking that [must be English, you
are not quite vight. [was bern there and brought up there but my
parents were Yarkees. My father fought in the Civil War and heard
Lincoln give the Getty: burg Address; s2, you see, [think [ have the
claim to say that perhans Lam the father of the family here today.
Tam very much pleased to have the opportunity to come and leara
The only people { feel L can learn anything from noware
young people, you see, and this ia a great privilege for me to be
I've been engaged ina variety of things in my profeasion, The
last years have been devoted mastly to the «ducation of residents
and the establishment of schools for gradua.s training in psychtatry
and paychoanalysie,
Lnow still doa Iitthe supervision for advanced
studies for Colurrbia, but most of my time ts apent quietly in my
ewn office doing consultation work and carrying @ few patients of my
own. Lamalvo preaertly Director af the Ruth M. Knight Counseling
Service of the Ma:caattan School of Music,
The last thing that I have undertaken is to establish a counseling
and referral service for the Manhattan School of Music, Ihave
always been interested in community psychiatry. I've been responsible for establishing two or three services in different states inthe
course of my life. ['ve been retired twice, [ think, now, and Lam
about to be retired again against my will from the United States Committee for the World Federation for Mental Health, wath which I've
been identified with Frank here for so many years,



Jack, you didn't say anything about the group
for the advancement of psychiatry which is semewhat related to sume
interest here,
MILLET: Yes. In our committee, which has the rather pretertious
title of Committee on International Relations of APA, we are digging
into what we can corne up with in understanding how it came to be that
we are in sucha hell of a mess in Vietnam, how and why we ever pot
into it and howit got escalated to the point where itis, and so forth,
all the motwwations and the conflicts that went into it and the changing
viewpoints of each successive president. Luas at one time Chairman
of the Conimiuttee on (nternational Melations of the APA, at which time

“we had a series of roundtables on transcultural psychiatry, the first
one being an attempt to eet some cpinion on the reactions of the community to the threat of nuclear war, That was avery interesting

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