operated by Holmes & Narver, at the expense of AEC, but will be revenue

Any profits therefrom will accrue as a credit to the Govern=-

ment, being accounted for as a "Welfare fund".
Recommendations previously outlined as to Medical facilities have
been substantially carried out by agreement with all Agnecies concerned.
During Phase II, Holmes & Narver will provide advance base type medical
and dental care for its own employees, and the military establishment
will provide emergency evacuation, surgery, and emergency hospitalization
as required.
Recommendations in the Reconnaissance Report as to the means of pro-

viding currency at the Project Site has been modified to the extent that by
agreement with CINCPAC, Holmes & Narver will transport currency to the
Project Site in the safekeeping of Captains of Naval Vessels, for the purpose
of issuing payrolls.

These payrolls will consist of a small partial pay-

ment of wages or salaries, the remainder to be paid to a bank or dependent
on the Mainland, designated by the employee.

After the token payment is

issued, the employee may purchase Script, which will be a mode of exckange
in camp commissary, club, and similar installations.

Sections VI and VII of the Reconnaissance Report pertaining to the
Test and Roll-up periods are not yet accompanied by sufficient new information for intelligent revision.
Section VIII of the Reconaissance Report itemizes 28 specific recom.

These have all been accomplished or been accepted as criteria,

or are in progress with the exception of No. 8 and 13, which are not yet
firm as to policy and No. 23, which was modified to make use of the planting
of grasSo


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