The above descriptions are applicable to Eniwetok and Parry Islands
varying only as to capacities required due to population and use differences.
Experiment island water installations are similar but greatly reduced in size
due to small population anticipated and the fewer uses of water required.
Intake lines on Eniwetok and the experiment islands are planned for the
seaward side of the islands but the Parry intake is to be located on the lagoon side as described in the Reconnaissance Report.

The layout and design of the Sanitary Sewer Systems follow the description as given in Section IV of the Reconnaissance Report with the following
Clay pipe was found to be so much cheaper than other suitable types
that, even including a crating cost of approximately 25% it is more economical.
The reuse of crating lumber for construction on the site will reduce the net
cost of crating somewhat.
Due to the relatively level topography of Parry Island a study is being
made to determine the relative advantages of sewage pumping versus gravity

The relative costs of constructing sewers below ground water as com=

pared to the cost of the pumping plant; and the relative cost of pumping
versus maintenance of sewers on a flat grade are factors entering into this

Eniwetok Island layout has not been firmed up at vresent but the same
conditions are anticipated for this location as were found on Parry.
General Requirements.

Electrical power will be required on a number

of islands of the Atoll for construction of facilities and during the operations for experimental purposes.

These islands are:

Eniwetok and Parry,

Select target paragraph3