As recommended in the Reconnaissance Report distillation units are

used in the design of the fresh water supply.
After careful analysis of operating procedures it was determined that
electric motor driven compression type distillation units using the exhaust
heat from the diesel engines driving the generators of the electrical vower
system, would give the most economical operation.
Two surface storage tanks of 500 barrel capacity each are provided to
give an adequate reserve of fresh water with a similar size elevated tank to
maintain constant pressure on the system.
Maintaining an allowance of 50 gallons per man per day of fresh water,
as used in the Reconnaissance Report, it is necessary to supply salt water
for all purposes where it can be advantageously used.
A complete system of salt water supply lines, providing fire fighting,
equipment washing, toilet flushing and similar uses, has been designed and
will in many cases parallel the distilled water lines.
Elevated storage tanks totaling 1000 barrels capacity are connected to
the salt water distribution lines and give a good workable line pressure
with a reserve capacity for fire use.
When the Reconnaissance Report was prepared the method of cooling the
Diesel engines had not been determined.

It has since been decided that salt

water will be used, and the size of salt water pumps has therefore been in-

creased from 100 gep.m. each to 300 gepem. each.

This permits the reduction

of the fire pump from 500 to 300 gepome, thus making all salt water pumps
Asbestos cement pipe is used for distribution lines of both salt and
fresh water systems with a minimum coverage of two and one half feet of earth
over the lines.

Select target paragraph3