
Waiters will return dirty dishes to dish washing room in roller


Mess tables will be designed with integral benches to seat eight


Table tops will be tempered Masonite finished with waterproof clear


Kitchen facilities will include adequate store room for bulk

storage of staples.
in refrigerators,

Vegetable and meat preparation rooms.

Three large walk-

Pastry and rolls baking unit, oil fired ranges, steam

kettles, vegetable cooker, deep fat fryers, griddles, adequate scullery equipment, etc.

Mechanically ventilated range hood will be included.

The Bakery, Plate 8, will be in a separate building adjacent to the
kitchen and will include rotary bread baking over, proofing cabinet, doughnut fryer, ice cream maker and hardening cabinet.

A separate pantry for

preparation and distribution of box lunches is included in the bakery plan.

The Laundry, Plate 12, with facilities for taking care of sheets, towels
and other flat work, as well as personal laundry, will be located near the
power plant and will provide weekly laundry service.
The Power Plant Building, Plate 23, will house the diesel-generator
sets and electrical switching equipment as well as water distillation units
and necessary auxiliary pumps.

The salt water pumps will be located in a

separate structure near the waters edge.

All of these facilities are des-

cribed in greater detail hereinafter.
In addition to the buildings which have thus far been described, an
outdoor theatre having a seating capacity of approximately five hundred, as

well as a Post Exchange, Plate 11, a Recreation Building, Plate 10, Fire
Station, Security Office, Security Quarters and Shop Buildings are included
in the general plan for Parry Island.
The Reconnaissance Report discussed at considerable length the condition


Select target paragraph3