
Project '.1 "Study co? Responses of Eucan Teinge Expoic’ to

tsnifdeant Ista and Enron Actiation Dus to Fels-Ost from Eig Ties Weapons”,
gpeasered by ATERP amt the Civisicn of Siolegy ami Macieics, AEC, umier Frojfee

Officer E. P. Cronkite, Car USN.

This vas a study cf the various results of

SP:.2-~:: on the residexts of Rongerik end Rengelapatolis.


Project 6.1 "Test of Interim IRDA Freeedures for High Yield

Weapons}? sponsored by The Stregetie Air Command, USAF, under Project Officer

Rockly Triaatefellu, Lt Col USAR.

Redar indications of the detonation were

used cs a basic fcr an estimate of probable dsmage capabilities.

Radiological Safety

Preenutionary fureticns preceeded as described in the earlier instelisent
2 this report, using the barge and otker control points at Bikini, with
edditional monitors borroved from Task Group 7.2 es maximum dosages vere


Rad-Safe surveys were made a few hours after esch é*tenation, and

éally thereafter, end charts displaying latest readings cn each island vere

- (25)(27}(28)

meinteined at several places. The CIU-7 prepared reports
record readings in areas subjected to contamination.


Reports were eompiled

from exposure records and the CTG 7.1 was informed when rersonrel reached
ealioweble reximms with a recommendation for evacuation vhen arrTS) qn
one such report, 50 people having doses of 3.5r or more were listed.


another, 6 EEN personnel were recommended for removal from Enivetok prior to

quis:avoid possibility of additionalexposire,le

JF-7807, Subj:

Shot Rad-Safe/Survey Sumeries, 23 Apr 54, CONF, Listes

contamination of Bikini Islands and Lagoon in n/r after BRAVO, ROO, KOO.

(27) gP-82k9, Subj: Prelininary Technical ReportQRMMEER 5 Hay 5!


oFr-&250, Subj:

Preliminary Technical ReportSn 5 Kay 5%

2-8370, Subj:

Fepert of TS 7.2 Persennel Expoeures Exceeding 3.5r as of

oF-8443, Subj:

Concidesctien o2 High Exposures Personnel, 11 Mey 54


choo 8 May 54 pore rersining at FFG} 9 Mey 54, QUO



Select target paragraph3