
wae YES S5TrS retarseé vo Enivetok onthe night mY

The i255

CURTIES rezerned to Exslvetck cr the rnighs oc Recevery aus real-

up work cenvinued with personnel taced on the BAIROKO, AINSWCRTE, BELLE GRCVE,
and sze2ll craft; and vas completed by 11 May 54.

All TG 7.1 and TC 7.5 per-

sonne) returned to Eniwetok the night of 23-12 May, leaving the BAIROKO at
Bikini for weather observaticns.


The Painves airstrip was covered with debris, Dut w&e Cleared exd regreded

150 ts wide full iergth ty 9 May.

" 2%)


However, C-47 sbuttle flights vere not re-

presuzably because of inadequate safety facilities.

. GD oc ons cine event of he castiz series,
was setisfactorily detonated on a burge moored in the MIKE crcter at Enivetok
on Friday, 1+ Mey 5&4. Plans had been made fcr tke evaczaticn of Eniwetok Atoll
if necessary, but conditions subsequent to the detcnation did not warrant such .
acticn. fF Gisclosed 353 persons 2% Eniwezok, none at Bikini.
In compliance with a CTS 7.1 requireiient, ell persons who Gad received e dosage

of 6 or nore were evacuated from the forward area or abcerd ship prior to the:
Getonation <o avold poseable additional expocur fell-cut.


detonation occurred during conditions of rein and low, solid clouds, and visidle
resyite other thar flash, could not be seen vy ground obeervers.

ew Projects




Ine change. to the basic list, the following three new projects

were officially added to the test program:




Project 3.4 "Neutraltsétion of a Pianvea Ses Mine Field”,

spenesreds by Bureau of Ordnance, USN, utder Project OfSicer James Murphy, USN.

Tris profect involyed the flecing and recovery of several mines in the Biking
222808 FE BAHOOHKL EEE CORSE AEReeeaene Oe ee eT ee es od dd


JFeOSEE, THX xo Ecoper from Fervia, 16 May OVO


oF-Si37, Subf:


Coslize oe! Sofensifice Pregrass-Cprre

No. S vo J+27358, 26 iiov 53) 2 Mey aeSECRET RD

C:STLE (chrage

Select target paragraph3