G28 G2xeL clauge

courtatzed &
= sated
twrarneses yield fe‘iii,

Gas vhteh errivad in the Perverd Are cn li Azvil.
Taie change
Ws and ended the verk previously carried on by TU-2 and TU-3.

Check lists were made, itemizing the more i=porcent cperetions in each

(15 }{i5 -

froz 0530 SE itrelucing recovery miselons end

As for previous events, meetisss and consultations were held to

finalize plens for the participating sirersft.

Ga a meeting
were approved:


In connection Qi


wes held on 2 Msy, at which the following positions

3-36, altitude 40,000 ft, horizontal ranse 39,505

f+ at zero '

time, tail toward zero; PsY2 positions et 30 Nautical Miles fren zero; RB-36
controller at §0 Nautical Miles fron zero; 2 C-54 photo aircraft at 75 Nautical

Miles one 3) at 50 Nautical Miles from zero.


A similar meeting for NECTAR

JF-7957, Subj: "(Change of Shot Schedule for YANKEE) 28 Apr SECRET RD

(13) J-3/139, Daily Diary, 9 ‘Apr 54, discussion with TU-4, J-3 and J-&

JF-7346, Subj:

UNION Check List, Enivetok Atoll, CONF, 12 Apr 54

(15) JF-7606, Subj:

NECTAR Check List, 17 Apr 54, COMF

(16) oF-8165, Subj:

YANKEE Check List, Enivetok Atoll, 3 May 54, CONF

(17) JF-8221, Subj: Aircraft Postioning Meeting for YANKEE, 4& May 5%, SECRET RD

JF-8391, Subj:

YANKEE Successful for B-35, 10'Mey 54, SECRET

(19) J-3/148, Daily Diary, Initial KECTAR Aircraft Positioning Meeting

Select target paragraph3