few Bou re after sors Heur.

‘ed predacts portielpating ond obip mevewsnwe.



Operueierci luytor io.

artplificd whe mevezent of wre Station 10 berge frcm ive ciip on Parry

to ite ultimate mooring im the MIKE creter, Enivetok, on 15 april, including proviaton for the accorpenying housekecping vesec2. “Operational
Letser No. i6


explisined the movement of the Stetion &0 Gin:

to the LSD BELLE GROVE in Entwetok lagocn on 28 April,
to Bikin{ lagoon, and mooring off YUROCHI.
copter berge were moored nearby.

its transporzaticn


The USS CURTISS and the keil-

Operational letter No. 17


contatned the

i. to begin as scon the practicable after devonation.

Radiological safety, and the need for close ccordizstion of ali riseiong
with J-3 were emp’asized.

A plan for the evecuasion of Enivetok Atoll, ex-

plaining definite procedures, was issued
significant local fall-out.

resulted in any


In ah oe changes to the basic TS 7.1 Cperation Plen 1-53 were

The first




involved a change of a communications fregyenty, +

is) /

t ye of classification of a frequency, and the third,
and fifth
contained changes of shot schedules due to weather conditions.


(2) JP-6496, Subj: Operational Letter #i4, Union Event, 12 Apr 54, SECRET.
(3) JF-7319, Subj:

Operational Letter $15, 12 Apr 54, COMF

(4) JF-7477, Subj: Operational letter #16, 1% Apr 5, CONF
(5) JF-7606, Subj:

Operational letter £17, NECTAR Recovery, 19 Apr 54&,CONF

(6) E6006 Subj:

Fall-Out Emergency Evacuation of Enivetok Atoll, OvJ


P-3310"Sub Jt

{Change if frequency), 28 Jan 5%, -OU0


GF-3325, Subj: (Change in Classification of Frequency) 30 Jan Ov0


UF-4677, Sudj: (Change cf Shot Sebedule after BRAYO)6 Mar 58 SECRET RD


JF-6235, Subj: (Chenge of Shot Sckedule after ROMEO)29 Mar SECRET RD


<¢F-7426, Surg: (Change of Shot Sckedule for UNION, TRIEE, NECTAR)
13 Apr 5&4 SECRET RD

Select target paragraph3