



but TG°7.1 provided guides, speal:ers, and security measures if appropriate.

A typical

tour was conducted on KCON — 2, then a goup visited ROJOA site, PARRY control area, both
ce*yogenics plants, and assembiy area.

instructions were issued to all TG 7.1 people

involved(7®)and speakers were required to review their material with the Classification

officer before presenting it to the group.


In an attenpt at nome degree of standardization, a guide to preparation of

scientific reports now due was issued to all scientific onitss””? The guide set forth
certain general arrangenents which would, if followed, facilitate the review, editing,

evaluation, and final handling of CASTLE scientific reports.

Horever, the requirenent

for completion of reports with minimum delay, regardless of form or arrengenent, vas



To assist in reorganizing property and material recovered from BRAVO areas,

instructions and information were published in two of the daily bulletins ©”? (79),sued
to all sections of the Group.

‘hese pertained to recovery of persona] property as well

as official files and equipment, that had been brought back to Enimetok and made.
available for reclamation.


7. Air Force Ufficers on flying status utilized facilities of the Iniwetok

Air Force Base, with their flying time certified to Sandia base by the Eniwetok Base

Operations officers™) mis arrangenent was sponsored by J-3, on behalf of eight Air
Force officers, two of whom were operations-adninistrative types, and six of rham were

technical personnel. In addition, one Naval. officer wasattached to 1G 7.4, for nying”
— om a ae wuee----- eZee —_— = oe ee awe ee ee ww ow o@ =

(76) JP-6286, Official Observer scheaute for KCON, 30 March 54, QUO

(77) JF-7050, CASTLE Reports, 5 Apr 5h, UNCL |

Daily Bulletin No. 17, 5 har 54, par 1 Recovery and Salvage Operations


Daily Bulletin No. 20, 12 tar 54, parl, Recovery of Personal Proper ty


JF-3382, submission of Form 122, 2 Feb 54, OUO





te 4.2








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