

once the extent of damage and contamin. tion became known, the. idea of re-mtry Lor other |
than euiek recoveries nas revised, and the decision to maintain he.dquarters afloat was


J~-l representation was maintained on the four larger ships to assist

in berthing, messing, and to facilitate matters for TG 7.1 personnel aboard in any way


‘Ihey also conducted misters, actual physical accounting, of all TG 7.1

personnel aboard prior to each event.

the recovery of essential records, equipment and

personal property was planned iomediately and accorplished (by J-4 and 1G 7.5) as soon
as conditions of radiological safety permitted,

This recovery had been completed to a

great extent by about 20 Liarch.

Prior to nOLbO, 292 persons were mustered at Dikini,

distributed approximately thus:


At the

KOON event, 285 persons were mustered at Bikini, distributed approximately as at FOLEHO,
with a few additional on BAIROXO.

As @ part of normel J-1 services, arrangements were

made for two men from 1G 7.2 Finance Office to visit the principal ships for the purpose
of. paying all TG 7.1 and 1G 7.2 personne] whose vouchers had been completed (”) This was
done at intervals of about one week, with the result that all pay obligetions were kept
reasonably up to date.

3. A liaison officer stationed at Hickam Air Force Base was appointed Assistant
Adjutant General, TG 7aor the purpose of issuing orders when needed to facilitate
the movenat of personnel in unusual circumstances, especially monitors, attendants, or
couriers of classified material,

His instructions were contained in a subsequent etter

Visitors: From time to tize groups of official observers were escorted

through TG 7.1 activities.

‘These trips were usually sponsored by a higher headquarters,



TuX JF-4534, to Ogle fron Gurry, a 0304408, CC:F |


TuX JF4,600, To Hooper from curry, March 0410453, CONF


TX JF-4601, Yo Erockett from K-lly, Lurch 0410468


JF-6280, To Hirons from Uctullan, March 3003452, QUO


SO PPG 3, perl, Hq TG 7.1, Iniwetok, 14 Feb 54




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16 Feb 54, GUC


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