‘for innuzerable moverncats of supplics and equipzent via truck, voat, helicopter, and
plane between various project sites,


heturn of two werpons dummies amd associated gear to zI were scheduled for

6 warch {6 They were locded on DALTON VICTORY for shipment to NSC Cakland, thence by
truck to the American Car am. Foundry Company in Albuquerque, New Lexteo.


of the Special Air Mission ecrrying special equipren{EE occurred on

9 March.

A JaL schedute 9.2sted the sequence of events and specific responsibilities.

Tne cargo was unloaded at Eniwetok Isiand and delivered to the U4, assexbly area on
PARRY as planned.

Shipment of a capsule from Enivetok to Bikini via ship on K=3 was

described in a J-4 retter (6?) containing instructions ard precautionary advice.

It was

stuted that under certain conditions the capsule, after safety devices had been
resoved, could be self destructive and dangerous to personnel, and that no replacement




3. Ina letter to C%™ 7.163) CJIF SEVEN expressed his appreciation of the
efficient manner in which tect equipment had been moved to PPG.

4. Planning for roll-up begun with a survey of major items of material and

equipment to be moved to ZI.’


(60) JF-4364, Return of Dumries to ZI, 26 Feb 54, SECKLT HD

(41) JFAW77, Unio. Sa: Flight, 6 Ler 54 CONF RD

JF4690, Shipment of CASTLE Device from Iniwetok to Bikini Atoll.
9 ker 54, SiChET aD


Ltr, Hq JIF SEVEN, to Ogle fre= Clarison, 3 Feb 54, COiF.

Select target paragraph3