0 Ta
unexpected fall~out on the sesond night after detonation, which was cetected by ALC
teleretering equipment operated in an ENUMAN-BAIROKO hook-up.

After KOON» all rad-

safe lzundry tork was done at PAnRY, due to destriiction of the rexaining facilities

The TU-7 chemistry laboratory has collected valuable data.from an analysis

of lagoon water and ships’ drinicing water, and data on decay and energy of early fallout, not available fror. any other unit.

TU-7 personnel were augnexted by approximately

60 wen borrowed from CTG 7.2 as planned.

Lost of these nen were not experienced, and

were given necessary training by TU-7.

The work of this Unit will be covered ina

detailed report by its Commander upor conclusion of CASTLE.


2. It may be a matter of interest that the USS EATHOKO experienced a heavy
fall-out contamination during Bravos 38)acai that despite radiological safety precautidns
and conitoring, several ship's persornel received relatively heavy dosages.


dosages were received by personnel of the USS BELLE GROVE during cleanup and decontamination operations.



1. J-4 activities progressed as-anticipated until BRAVO. Shipping of —
scientific cargo by water dininished, during this period, and air shipments reached a


The USS CURTISS, carrying most of the special test equipment arrived and dis—

charged cargo at Eniwetok on 25 Januiry, and at Biking on 27 January.



schedules for these unloadings, listing responsibilities of participating units, were

issued(\57)(58)(59)- During the period I Janucry thru 27 February, cargo ships were
unloaded at both Eniwetok ani Bikini.

cargo was shuttled between atolls by a weekly

LST trip, augmented by shipments of small items via daily C-7 trips.

In addition to

regular logistical zovements of cargo, the Ink shipping and receiving office arranged

See TG 7.3 reports for authentication and details


JF-3220, Present Flan for Off-Loading Cargo from USS CURTISS at FUGS, 23 Jan 54

(£8) JF-3054, Requirenents for Off-Loading, TU-l,, cargo, 27 Jan 54 fron USS CURTISS
25 Jan 54 SECILT
(59) TVX JF~3269, Jan 270526s, OUO

Select target paragraph3