fy anMAVELIC) Project 5.5 - In-Flight Farticipation ef F-84" Aircraft ist Lt R. F. Mitchell It J. A. Satatella OEJFCTIVE Waiter (Carabilities F~ @4F) This participation was an attempt to determine the capability of the F-84" aircraft by subjecting it to both thermal and symmetric blast loads. Barley (Sizeloads F247) The object of this participation was to study the dynamic response ~ of fighter structures to anti-symmctric blast loads, INSTRUMENTATION Waiter 100 data channels were available to record moment, shear, and corsion leads; accelerations; overpressure; temperature; thermal strain; and aircraft attitude. Three of these channels were unsuccessfully re- corze2, and in adiition, a flap camera failed to operate, Out of 100 data channels available to record essentially the same information as above, there were no channel failures. ATSORATT PCSITION IN SPACE waiter At time zero, the aircreft was flying at an altitude of 17,000