granted for the aft portion of the ship which had been washed down

during follovt,

Radiaticn levels wore €.1 mefhr forward and 3.7 mr/hr aft.

YAG-49 Croeraticns

The YAG-40 operate3 turing fallout in the vicinity of 12°12'N Lat.
and W5°C7'D Long., approstmatcly
vb Wee
36 miles at 339° from the Navajo de=



uci by a survey meter on deck and

The fallout was lisht a2 .t 1133 rein reduced the radiation

levels to near the provicus backgriund.

At 1500, the principal fallout

Suring the perfzd 2800 to 2330 of 115 mr/hr.
AL O730 on N f 2, the ship entercd Pniwetck Lagoon,

A cursory decon-

tamination of the ship was accomplished this same day to remove loose con~
tamirlticon from the weather surfaces,

Finel radisticn levels were 210.4

wohur farycrd and 3.7 m/or eft.
T3T-C€22 Crerations
The LOT-{22 opcratc? during fallout at approximtely 12°3 '~ and

The firct indication of falleut cecurred at 0900 (1 mr/br above
tactground on an M¥-~5 survey meter on deck},

At 0950, when the level of

activity on the deck as m-acured by the TIM had reached 20 mr/hr, the
stip was closed and the washlown was activated.
Peak activity both on deck and in the sampling platform was reached

at 1130,

The level in the platform was 50 mr/br and on deck was 43 mr/hr.

At 1530, the washitown was secured, the platform level being approx-

imatcly 22 mr/hr and the level on deck about 8.5 mr/hr.
The ship arrived at "iwetok at 1130 on 12 July with approximitely
4 mrfbr body dose rate top side.

Very little of the contaminant was

"lessce™, as shoes, hands, etc., stayed well within tolerance.


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Select target paragraph3