Project 2.9 - Standard Recovery Procedure for the Tactical Decontamination
of Ships ~ F. S, Vine

Te evaluate recovery procelures for ship decontamination,

Because of the two-day availability of the YAGs 39 and 40, and the
Task Force personnel assigned to the decontamination work party, ship

decontamination procedures were limited to firehosing, handscrubbing
and firchosing in the non-washiown areas and the superstructure, and to
firshosing alone in

the washdown area aft of the superstructure.


The YAG 40 was decontaminated at the Parry Island decp water pier

on Tf 2,

Similar operations were conducted aboard the YAG 39 while at

ancher in the stream on

# 2,

Detontaminstion of tho LST 611 was not required hecause of the low

radiation levels ani the absence of remcevable ccntamination,.

The average initial levels aboari YAG 40 were 7.3 mr/hr in the
non-washiown area forward of the superstructure ani 4.1 mr/hr in the
washdown area aft.

The decontamination procedures reduced these levels to

6.1 m/hr an? 3.7 mr/hr (corrected for decay according to t

°" from

H #54 to H £ 56.5) with resultant decontamination effectivenesses of
18 pereent and 5 percent, respectively,
The corresponding initial levels aboard the YAG 39 were 23.2 mr/hr

and 4.3 mr/hr.


‘ Ve ae

After decontamination these were 10.4 mr/hr and 3.7 mrfhr

Select target paragraph3