
Two project personnel were stationed in the Prorrem 2

Control Center to consolidate data from the various projects andi to

assist the Program Director in maintaining a situation plot.



Aerial survey of Rikini Atol] following the
covered islands between Bikini and Fokororyuru.

Nepligible levels

of contamination resulting frem this shot were observed on other sections
of the Atoll.

The result of the D-day and ? #2 day survey is shown in

Table 2.€5-1,

Extremely heavy an? steady reins occurred between the

D-day survey and the D #1 day survey,

The table shows that the D #1

dey readings are very lew compared to the D-day readings.

A gamma dccey

factor of -1,925 ictermined from laboratory gamma decay mezsurements for
early times was used in converting the

D-idsy restine te U {1 hour valves.

The sampling stations on Remurtlu, Yurcehi, Pokererrury, Arriike-: and
Aivukiiji were demare? by the water weve.

Samples were obtained cn Namu and

The time of arrivz:l of significant fallout activity at

Namu wae between 30 en? 35 minutes.

The time pcricd 2uring which fall-

out oecurred at its maximum rate was between 45 and 5C minutes.


nificant fallout ended between 11/2 and 2 hours after detonation at the
Namu station,





Select target paragraph3