Chapter IT — Return to Rongelap
school, warehouses, and water systems. Plans
also included some dwellings and cisterns on
nearby islands. We designed plansfor the dispensary and requested a two-wayradio to be
installed for medical consultations and emer-

During the three years on Ejet [sland, the °
Rongeiap people longed to return,to theiratoll:

and weregreatly disappointed at the length of
time they were kept away. Meanwhile, the

deserted village at Rongelap had deteriorated
with overgrowth of weeds and vines, their
thatched-roof huts were sagging or collapséd,


In February 1957, the AEC, with concurrence
of the High Commissionerof the Trust

and the church had burned (B-3).

By 1957, there had been 10 radiological surveys of Rongelap: seven by the Applied
Fisheries Laboratory of the University of
Washington and three by the Naval
Radiological Defense Laboratory. As early as
June 1956, surveys indicated that the radiation
leveis on Rongelap Isiand had declined to such a
extent that the island might soon be habitable.
The AEC, with the concurrence of the Trust
Territory Government, authorized Holmes and
Narver (a Los Angeles construction company) to
plan a new village on Rongelap in conference
with the AEC, Trust Territory, and the

. Rongelap people. The new village would include
homes, a church, council house, dispensary,

Territory, announced that Rongelap could again

be inhabited and construction of the village
began (B-3). By June, the construction was com- |
pleted and an LST was sent to Majuroto transport the people home.
Thefollowing accountis excerpted from the
Holmes and Narver, Inc. Report of Repatriation
of the Rongelap People for the Atomic Energy
Commission, Albuquerque Operation Office,
Contract AT(29-2)-20, Nov. 1987.
Boarding the LST were 250 Rongelap

people with their personal belongingscar-

ried in every conceivable kind of container,

from woven mats to galvanized washtubs

> emce oa"

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New village at Rongelap.

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