Fortunately, this course of action was
unnecessary. The exposure to gamma radiation

received by the people was sublethal. Based on
the known effects of radiation in animals, an
additional 100 rad of radiation might have
resulted in fatalities, perhaps even with treatment. It is fortunate that no one lived on the
northern islands of Rongelap atoll! since the
radiation leveis there were definitely in the
lethal range.
In spite of the significant degree of hematological depression, there was no evidence of
bleeding nor evidence of increased susceptibility to infections in the exposed people. An epidemic of upper respiratory infections that
occurred in the Marshallese during the period of
the examination was no worse in the more .
heavily exposed than in the less exposed Utirik
group. Blood transfusions were not considered.
(Blood transfusions had been used in treating
the exposed Japanese fishermen, one of whom
later died of hepatitis.) It was decided not to use
prophylactic antibiotics since the possible
developmentof bacterial resistance to antibiotics might reducetheir effectiveness if infections
After the initial examinations were com-.
pleted, the AEC decided to move the Utirik people back to their homeisland since the low
residual radiation levels were considered safe
for habitation (A-3). In J une they were.


eo ne sent pore.” . returned anéprovi
Radiation burns of thefeet we _DeROAry,: food. Howavet! d
of Rengelapisland
" a Date ome,* s
oe ‘showedtitredistionlevele-were™

te rettre--Ths
. permitPUFTReple

‘they. =<. "4

. - Were moved to.temporaryquarterssat up for

. therm ona smallislandijst)atMajuro Atoll.
several hundred milés southof Kwajalein.

Following our initial examinations of the .
American servicemen, they were taken to
Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu for further
examination by Army physicians. The exposed
Marshallese would continue to be examined by
our medical team.

G. Dose Estimates

The Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

were exposed mainly to direct gamma radiation,
with a small neutroneestribution from the detonating bombs and the resulting fission products. They suffered extensive trauma and--

thermal burns. There was no significantfallout.
On the other hand, the Marshallese suffered no

Lose of hair in a young Rongelap giri dueto fallout deposit on the scalp.

F004 1 bi

¢ effects from the detonation itself, and
their exposure was due entirely to radioactive

Select target paragraph3