During the course of routine atomic
tests in the Marsnail Islands. 28 United
States personnel and 236 residents were
transported from neighboringatolls to
Kwayjaiein Island, according to plan asa
precautionary measure. These individuals
were unexpectedly exposed to some radioactivity. There were no burns. All were
reported well. After the completion of the
atomic tests, the natives will be returned
to their homes. (B-3)




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E. Naval Station, Kwajalein
When the evacuated personnel arrived at
Kwajalein, they were given brief physical examinations including blood counts at the Naval
Dispensary. A showerfacility for decontaminating personne! and laundry facilities were
established. Most people still showed some
residual radioactive contamination of the skin
and clothing. Their clothing was laundered and,


Marshallese bathing in the lagoon of Ewajalein ta
remove fallout contamination.

to aid in decontamination, they were encour-

aged to bathe in the nearby lagoon. Most people

had few clothes, and some had to be discarded
due to persistent radioactive contamination.
F. Initial Medical Examinations.
1. Facilities

Whenthe medical team arrived at
Kwajalein on March8, we found that the people
were adjusting well ta their new surroundings.
There was some worry about possessions left
behind. and they were told that their boats and
livestock would be cared for.
the magistrate, expressed concern that the Rongelap people might have the same fate as the Bikini

people who had been awayfrom their isiand for
many years.

With the cooperationof the Navy, we set up
examination and laboratory facilities in a building adjacentto the living quarters of the
Marshailese. Further decontamination of per-

sonnel and clothing was instituted. Members of
the team were assigned responsibilities for

examinations. Daily sick call and treatment in
the Clinic were established. Medical histories
were taken and physical examinations were carried out with the assistance of Jack Tobin, a
Trust Territory anthropologist; Kathleen 7s,
a Marshallese nurse, and Billiet Edmond, a
school teacher, who served as interpreters.

Medical examinations at Kwajalein.

2. Medical Findings
The details of the medical findingsin our
initial survey can be found in Reference A-2.
. During the first two days after detonation
of the bomb about two-thirds of the Rongelap
people experienced anorexiaand nausea; a few
vomited and had diarrhea. The majority had
itching and burning sensations of the skin in
exposed areas. Only one of the 18 people who
had been on Ailingnae Atoll had these symp-

toms and noneof the symptomswerenoted in

the Americansand people of Utirik.
Significant exposure to radiation depresses
some elements of the blood, particularly the
white cells which protect against infection and


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