“ AOE 86 | JEFFERSON ee COWAN__/_ ATTORNEYS AT LAW . PO E>» ROBERT M. igtz a KENA ALSKA 90-171 CO*“2": Cee JEFFREY D. JEFFERST’Y (907, 2E2 7187 PO BOX 127 MALES MARE RSLL ISLONCS Ge 90d OF COUNSEL: PO ROY FAS RAMON VILAGOMEZ (SAF SADEONT. SED (OVERSEAS CHETAN I 7 7E_ AOE December 15, 1980 REPLYTO: masuro The Honorable Wallace O. Green Assistant Secretary Designate Territory and International Affairs United States Department of Interior Office of the Secretary Washington, D.C. 20240 Re: P.L. Dear Mr. 96-205/RFP #14-01-0001-80-R-75 Green: é Our office, along with several other law offices, have joined together to represent the interests of various groups of people from the Marshall Islands. Our clients include people from atolls which were specifically named in P.L. 96-205 as well as people from other atolls which were affected by the atomic testing in the Marshall Islands. We represent people from the atolls of Rongelap, Utirik, Enewetak and several of the other atolls. We appeared at the hearing recently held by the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., relative to the plans which had been prepared pursuant to the captioned RFP. We questioned the plans at that time. The Chairperson of the meeting, Mrs. VanCleve, was kind enough to grant us permission to present additional materials to you for your consideration in preparing your report to Congress pursuant to the statutes. Enclosed herewith you will find a document which recommends additions to the health care proposal submitted by Loma Linda University. We would appreciate your receiving this document along with this letter as the additional documents which fall within the permission granted. We find the three reports to be contradictory. The report re- lative to an education program, and the report relative to future monitoring, are restrictive in their recommendations solely to the specifically named atolis. The report relative