The Honorable Wallace O.

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to the health plan almost entirely ignores the separate problems of those named atolls and the other atolls which were
radiated by the testing.
Although the law specifically requires a program be developed
for monitoring the continuing radioactive affects on the named
atolls, "and other affected atolls", the report restricts itself
solely to the named atolls.

Such a system is self-defeating.

The only studies conducted so far indicate that all of the
Northern Marshall Islands thus far tested show lasting radia-

tion affects.
For example, the Northern Marshall Islands
Aerial Radiation Survey of November and December of 1978 found
all of the atolls surveyed to be radioactive.
Only by monitoring the radioactive affects upon all of the atolls
could the scope of the monitoring plan required by the law be
No attempt was made to do such monitoring, nor was
any attempt even made to devise a program of such monitoring.

Likewise, the educational program is similarly lacking.


the peoples of the named atolls are scattered amongst all of the

Marshall Islands, the educational program was aimed solely at

the named atolls.
Obviously the purpose of an educational program
is to tell the affected people the facts so that they can make
intelligent informed determinations as to their future, and
also can be warned about possible signs and symptoms which would

permit early detection of illness.
to the named atolls,

If the procram is restricteéc

it fails to reach those who have been scat-

tered to the other atolls.

The medical and health care proposal, on the other hand, almost

completely ignores the affects of the testing even upon those
persons of the named atolls, and in its zeal to develop a health
care plan for all of the Marshall Islands, does not propose any

program to further one of the major aims of P.L. 96-205, the

discovery and treatment of those problems caused by the nuclear

In this regard it does almost the same as the
Other two studies, it ignores special problems caused by the
contamination, whereas at least the other two studies recognize
problems exist.

We represent people who have already had

surgical intervention for thyroid problems, not only from the

named atolls, but from Wotje, Ailuk, Maloelap, Likiep, Mejit,
Ailinglaplap, Namu, Woto, Majuro, Jaluit and Kwajalein amongst
Our health care authorities inform us that one thyroid

removal amongst a population of the size of the Marshall's
might be explainable, two would be an epidemic, and the dozens
which we have observed there can be explained by nothing other

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