
reported in these studies,


ineidence of thyroid abnormalities appears to

be hipher fn this proap than would be expected.

However, dose cateulatious


the Marshallese are subject to considerable uncertainty, and variability of
dose among the exposed people must have been marked,

A reevaluation of the

thyroid doses will be undertaken in the near future based on more precise
information regarding urinary iodine excretion in the Marshallese.
As a result of the present findings,
upwards the seriousness of the

it will be necessary to revise

internal hazard associated with fallout,

Secondly, it has become increasingly evident that late effects of radiation
of the thyroid gland,

(neoplasias, hypothyroidism) are much more common sequelae

than had been previously supposed.

The high incidence of thyroid lesions in

the Marshallese emphasizes the caution with which radiation must be used clinically,

particularly in regard to the use of radioiodine in children,

Robert A, Conard, M.D.
Chief, Marshall Island Medical Surveys
Medical Research Center
Brookhaven National Laboratory


Select target paragraph3