
January 22, 1969


aireraft of the Kwajalein Missile Range can land to bring in
initial supplies and manpower.

The logistics of shipping heavy

equipment and supplies reportedly heve been arranged for by the


The AEC has planned 13 weeks for mobilization of the

clean-up, but they expect it can be done faster.
Director of Community Development, Fran Mahoney said that twelve
to twenty Bikinians from Kili Island would be needed by the end
of February.
Tne AEC plans to start by removing the radioactive ccreap and
dumping it at sea.

The huze rusting towers would be demolished as

would any other unsafe structure and the cement bunkers would be
repaired where cracked.

The exact scope of the work is not clear at

this time, but it is expected that there will be a considerable
amount of brush clearing.

The brush would be piled for compost,

or burnec.


While the future financing of the Bikini retura is not clear,

Trust Territory officials appear to be delighted thet the first
step will socn be taken,
In other preparations for the return to Bikini, Dr. Robert A.
Conard is preparing to do baseline studies on the Bikini people so
that the amount of radiation accumulated after their return can be

Dr. Conard, of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, hes

been reszonsible for the continuing cbservation of the Roncelzo
people since their exposure to racioactivity fifteen years azo.


Select target paragraph3