_ Ebeye.

In the examinations.at Ebeye, Dr. W. Peck, Director of

Health SErvices of the Trust Territory and Dr. C. Hayakara arrived

to join the group as well as Mr. Mike Malone, MNS reporter from
Guam, both of whom had been invited by the Trust Territory to
go along. Dr. Exaki failed to arrive, apparently due to pressure
from a Mr. Uladong from Palau who had been there as Congressman
Balos' emissary in Japan to attend "Bikini Day" at a anti-bomb
meeting. The medical team departed for Rongelap on March ll
accompanied by Congressman C. Domnick of the Marshalls and the
group was warmly received by Rongelap people. Congressman Domnick,
however, advised the people that he had been in contact with

Congressman Balos who now advised the people not to be examined.
He used the explanation that Dr. Ezaki had not come along on the
It appeared to the AEC medical team that many of the
Rongelap people were willing to be examined but were afraid
to go against the advice of their Congressman.

The SEC was,

at a—

‘therefore, not able to carry out the examinations and headed back
to Kwajalien.

The Lucky Dragon Issue
The exposure of the Japanese fishermen on the Lucky Dragon
was previously referred to as being an issue of Congressman
Balos. These Japanese fishermen were exposed to radiation and
subsequently the USG paid the Japanese Government money for their
Misconceptions about the Lucky Dragon
The Marshal:.ese and others seem to have a.mistaken under-

standing about the compensation given the 23 Japanese fishermen
aboard the Lucky Dragon that was in an area about 35 miles east
of Bikini when the bomb test detonated. The men.and.the-~-. ic %->
surface of the boat received a covering of the fallout material.
Although the men began to suspect what the material might be,.
they knew nothing of decontamination procedures and were exposed
for 14 days during the voyage back to Japan. Within two days
after docking, news of their exposure became an international
concern. The men were soon diagnosed as suffering from radiation
Sickness and hovsitalized. One man died six months later of a
complicating infectious hepatitis while the remainder were
discharged. The radiation doses to the men could not be computed.


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