

(the previous agreement provided $120,000 annually)._ It also
provides, upon eventual resettlement af the Mid-Corridor, for land
Clearance and construction of dwellings at Army expense.

addition, those displaced from the Mid-Ccrridor currently are given

rent-free use of quarters on Ebeye Island.

The agreement is to

be reviewed every five years for possible "changed conditions."

The Delegation, if the Mid-Corridor subject is raised, should

point out that this arrangement is generous in view of the relativel

small number of people evacuated from the Mid-Corridor area.

'. The United States will continue to review the possibility
of returning the people of the Mid-Corridor Islands to their
homes. As soon as it is safe to do so, this will be done.

As for the situation in Ebeye, the Delegation may draw on
the following:


Ebeye is a small island of about 76 acres three miles to
the north of Kwajalein Isiand in Kwajalein Atoll. Virtually the
entire Marshallese population of Kwajalein Atoll lives on Ebeye,
as well as substantial number of Marshallese who have been attractec
to Kwajalein by hopes of employment or through the excitement of
living near the facility.

The result has been that the population

of Ebeye has increased drastically and the island is now highly
- congested.
Ebeye's population (estimated to be between 4,000 and
4,500) is in excess of available housing under normal occupancy

conditions. Efforts by the Trust Territory Administration to
encourage voluntary resettlement have not been successful.

- As a result cf an Interior-Army agreement reached several
years ago, the Aimy has constructed on Ebeye a total of 308
housing units, a salt water sewer system, an electrical power

plant, public works warehouses and a water distribution system.

Current plans call for improved health, education, recreational
and other services for the Ebeye people.
Johnston Island

‘If this subject is raised, the Delesation.-may point out that
this Island is not part of the Trust Ter-:‘itory.
Regarding the
chemical munition of this Island, the De’.egation should note the
remoteness of the Island and state categorically that there is
no hazard of any sort to the people of Micronesia or for that
matter, to the people of Hawaii which is much closer to Johnston





Fr 3S 20F- Palen

Select target paragraph3