Supporting the Eniwetok program.

Recognizing that most of the available

laboratory capacity which was then available to us was already heavily
committed, Dr. Nervik suggested that McClellan had the technical
capability and he understood, informally, would welcome the opportunity
to participate.

Recognizing that such participation would probably

require a directive or mission assignment from Washington, Mr. Ray
decided that it might be useful to discuss the feasibility of such an
assignment with someone from Dr. Carl Walske's office before formally
requesting that the Department of Defense provide such support.


he knew General Brickel and kmew also that General Brickel would be at
the interagency meeting, he called General Brickel and asked if they
might have a brief conversation subsequent to the September 7 meeting on
a subject which he felt would not be appropriate to discuss on the

As it turned out, General Brickel had a commitment back

at the Pentagon immediately after the interagency meeting and invited
Mr. Ray and Dr. Nervik to drop by his office for coffee and conversation.
The substance of the conversation was to ask General Brickel if he felt
that Dr. Walske would support a request for McClellan laboratory
assistance, if and when such a request were made.

Subsequently, a formal

request originated by Manager, NV, was passed through DMA to DNA, with
the hoped-for result.
Pullout of Eniwetck at Time of Typnhoon Olga
The total evacuation of Eniwetok on October 23 was directed by CG, SANTEC,
in lignt of a prediction that the typhoon would do severe damage to the

The return to Eniwetok 36 hours later was intended as a reconnais-

sance in ferce to determine whether the survey program could be resumed.
The departure of all AEC and DMA personnel from Eniwetox at about 1500
tocal on Octoder 25 was dictated by a statement fron the Site Manager
that he could not support any project personnel at that time.

The time

of departure from Eniwetox for Kwajalein was dictated by operational
requirements at Kwajalein for the evacuation aircraft.

Having consulted

Select target paragraph3