Quarantine of Runit

In mid-May 1972, as our preliminary radiological survey of Eniwetok was
being completed (and concurrent with the visit of the Marshallese
traditional leaders), Roger Ray learned that the radiological survey
party had retrieved on Runit Island three pieces of debris which it
was then believed might contain metallic plutonium.

These fragments were

returned by special courier to the University of Washington for priority

Upon completion of the Marshallese visit to Eniwetok, the

party returned to Kwajalein and, while there, Mr. Ray received the
results of the analysis and it confirmed that the particles were almost

certainly metallic plutonium.

Knowing the probable source of this

material and, therefore, that a large quantity of plutonium probably
remained on Runit, he became deeply concerned that no measures were
being taken or were available to prevent serious contamination of
people, equipment, vehicles, and marine craft.

Lacking such measures,

plutonium contamination of Eniwetok Island and even aircraft departing

therefrom mightoccur.

He immediately consulted with the DNA PACE

Project Officer and with the SAMTEC Liaison Officer on Kwajalein and
informed them that he felt it his responsibility to cause preventive
actions to be taken.

To that end he prepared and coordinated with

the aforenamed individuals a teletype to the Commanding General, SAMTEC,
at Vandenburg AFB, recommending that the CG, SAMTEC, Major General Low,
invoke a quarantine until appropriate controls couid be established.

As ~

soon as he reached Honolulu andwas able to discuss this matter by
telephone, he telephoned the Acting Manager, NV, to initiate the necessary
follow-on actions.

Meeting Between Mr. Ray and Brigadier General Brickol
Sometime before the Septerber 7 interagency meeting, Mr. ray and Dr. Wait
Norvik of Livermore discussed the matter of laboratory analytical workload

Select target paragraph3