Interior has not yet determined how to accomplish this request, by staff
or contract. It will be at least 6-8 months before it is campleted.

The Committee felt that we could not await the Interior report and that

we should obtain such information as pertains to the Pacific territories
as may be readily available without extensive research. The Chairman,
therefore, designated a subcommittee to obtain such data for the canmittee.

‘Mr. Thanpson of EPA was given the chaizmanship of the subccmmittee which
also included HEW and SBA.

The Program Canpilation Subcommittee was then instructed to prepare and _
distribute to cammittee members a questionnaire seeking to obtain information on current active programs as well as inactive but authorized programs. The exact content of the questionnaire was left to the discretion
of the subcommittee but they were directed to schedule their actions so
that a report could be presented to the canmittee by its next meeting.
Specific Problem Areas:
Each committee member was requested to direct a letter to the Chairman

by October 17, 1977, identifying the major problem areas in their

territorial programs which they believe should be addressed by the

Report on Briefing of Washington Committee:
The Chairman gave a report on the August meeting of the Washington committee.
He summarized the presentations by Interior officials and furnished information on current activities concerning the territories. For informational
purposes, a copy of the presentation in Washington by Ms. Ruth G. Van Cleve,

Director, Office of Territorial Affairs, is attached.
Contact with the Territories:

The Committee discussed the question of how and when the committee should
make contact with the territories to advise them of our existence and to
open avenucs of communication.
It was decided that we should first of all
gct our committee established and have a better idea of how we arc to proceed before we offer our assistance to the territories. Consequently, it
was decided to devote our first few meetings to organizational matters and
to postpone extending invitations to territorial representatives until the
first meeting of the coming calendar year.
Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the cammittee was scheduled for October 26, 1977, at.
10:00 a.m. in the Federal Building in San Francisco. The Chaimman will
obtain a conference room and will advise the committee thereof, along

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