

Keep‘the Interior Office of Territorial Affairs and the

Washington Committee for Interagency Territorial Assistance
advised concerning issues and problems.

The Canmittee discussed several alternative approaches to accomplishing

the above objectives.

It was finally decided that we should set only

temporary procedures at this time wmtil we have obtained more information

as to the exact nature of the problems and issues with which we will be

dealing. Accordingly, the Camittee agreed to adopt the following
temporary procedures:

The best approach for dealing with specific problems appears
to be the creation of subcammittees which will permit the
utilization of staff with subsequent recommendations to the


The Chairman will act as liaison with the office of Territorial
Affairs and the Washington Committee;


All camittee members will immediately institute a procedure
within their respective Departments wherein the Chairman will
be notified by carbon copy or otherwise of travel, programs,
grants, and other matters dealing with the territories. The
Chairman will effect subsequent distribution of such information
as appropriate;


The Chairman emphasized that in order to be effective each
camittee member will be expected, in most matters, to have
broad authority to speak and make cammitments for the Department or agency represented by the committee member;


Initially, the committee will hold bi-monthly meetings unless
sooner called by the Chaizmman.

Compilation of Federal Programs:
It was agreed that a compilation of current active federal programs in the
territories, as well as those authorized but not active, is essential for
the Committee's future actions.
In this regard, the Chairman informed the
committee that Interior is under a Congressional mandate to make a comprehensive compilation of all Federal programs available to the territories. ...
This compilation is to include:
(1) what Federal programs are now available to each territory, including those in the Atlantic as well as the


(2) what programs would be of benefit to each territory if made

available; (3) what changes or modifications of each program should be made

to improve the effectiveness and operation of each program; and, (4) the
estimated. cost of each program,-=:.

Select target paragraph3