

. .,.



A population

of 550 was assumed for the one that might move back permanently to

Bikini Atoll.

Values for other initial populations

were obtained by

ratios of the results.

The total population at the end of 30 years is given by the compounding



= 550 (1 +0.038)30=1684

The number of births’in 30years


B = 0.042 X 550

are given by:

(1.038)X dx

where x is the time between O and 30.


= O 042 X 550

This gives

[l 03830 - ~1
= 1277


the number of deaths in the 30 year period would be:

Deaths = 0.0054 x 550o

Deaths =

0.0054 x 550
In 1.038

(1.038)X dx


[1.03830 - 1] = 164

One other datum needed is the reduction in 30 year dose to those born
after the return because of the decrease

in radiation levels and the

smaller amount of time in the 30 year period that is spent on the island.
For this, the total population dose for those born after returning

an initial dose rate of 1 rad/year

P = 550 Dl


is given by:

(1.038X) dx


A is the half-life of decrease of the radiation dose, taken here as 30

Because this integral cannot be solved analytical,
tion was obtained by calculating this function

an approximate solu-

for each of 30 years and

Select target paragraph3