The small Bikini community had developed a close in-group
feeling during the years of relative isolation prior to the
coming of the white man and found satisfaction and security in

their closely knit personal relationships and communal life.
World War II and tne Bikini People
The Bikini people were directly affected by World War II
in that three of their young men who had been attending the
Japanese government school on Jaluit Atoll were drafted as
laborers and sent to Enewetak Atoll.

They were later killed

there in the American bombing and bombardment of that huge and
important Japanese military base.

There were only six Japanese

soldiers at Bikini, however; wireless station operators also
manned the ammunition stores.

These men were all killed by

American bombing ard shelling.

Little damage was done to Bikini,

and the Bikini people were much better off than

Marshallese in areas such as Jaluit, Enewetak and Kwajalein,
where heavy fighting occurred.
Gid the other Marshallese,

The Bikini people suffered as

from the cut-off of supply lines

from Japan with the resultant cessation of imports of necessary
consumer goods and exportation of copra.

Communications were re-

stored and wartime nardships were alleviated when the American
armed forces captured the Marshall

hardships of the Bikini

Islands early in 1944.


people were yet to come however.

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