Data are presented for the results of the analyses of the samples
collected by LRE in the Marshall Islands in 1976.
through 18 give the data for single samples.

Appendix Tables 1

The data are first presented

atoll by atoll and then summarized by comparisons between atolls for selected
sample types.

All data are given as picocuries per gram of dry weight,

except where expressly noted.

Table 2 gives the mean wet weight to dry

weight ratios for the biological samples.
Ailuk and Wotje Atolls


Samples from Bigen and Ailuk Islands at Ailuk Atol? and from Wotje and
Wormej Islands at Wotje Atoll were collected during the September-October
1976 field trip.

Results of the analyses of these samples of fish, plants and

soil for gamma-emitting radionuclides, °°Sr and 739>2"°Py are given in


Appendix Tables 1 (fish), 2 and 3 (plants) and 4 through 7 (soil).
In the fish, naturally occurring

“°K was the most abundant radionuclide.

Except for a smal] amount of !37Cs in one fish sample, no fallout radionuclides
were measured in any of the other fish samples.

In plants “°K was also the

predominant radionuclide; however **’Cs was above the limits of detection in
all plant samples and °°Sr was measurable in about one-third of the samples


Of the plants sampled, pandanus fruit had the most '3’Cs while

unprocessed arrowroot tubers had the most °°Sr.

Processing the arrowroot tubers

for food removes most of the ?°Sr.
Cesium-137 was the predominant radionuclide in the soil samples from Wotje
and Ailuk-atolls, but the amount measured was less than 1] pCi/g in al] samples
except four from Bigen Island, the northern most sampling location on these two


Select target paragraph3