731790 14:39 ‘olb 29Z o81v wee ANE Bob RAD. Sk wD 409942 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY RADIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DIVISION Buliding 703M Upton, New York 11973 FAX No.: Verity: (516) 282-5810 (516) 282-4425 RECEIVED JAN 311989 REPOSITORY W. J. BAIR F NUN. . conection Marshall Dslands BOx No, 2 O79 rovoen Marshall Zs lands FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Date of Transmittal: January 31, 1990 To: No. of Pages: 5 Including cover sheet Dr. Willlam J. Bair Battelle Pacific Novihnwest Lab P.O. Box 999 Richland, WA 99352 FAX No.: (509) 375-3686 Verity: (509) 946-2421 Offlee No.: From: Chai'.s B. **e'nhole Br. ont.aven Natlonal Laboratory Te-phene: (516) 282-4209 ger Hopethis helps. Please feel free to call Casper Sun if you have any ques: srs. ~@ number Is (516) 282-3469, If you want a hard copy, let us know. DOCUMENTDOES NOT CONTAIN ECL. Reviewed PROXYLeMone 51/GF ? BEST COPY AVAILABLE