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Real Preperty and Facilities







(a) Unless expressly authorized by the contracting officer in advance
.the Agency shell not be reimbursed or use funds made availeble under
this agreement for the acquisition or condemnation of any real prover
.or any facility or for plant or facility acquisition, construction or

‘(b) If the Agency acquires or condemns any real. property or any

facility or acquires, constructs, or excands any plant or facility

pursuant to an authorizetion under (2) ebove, except as may be otherwise agreed by the Commissicn and the Agency,

(1) the title thereto shell vest in the Commission;


the Agency shall be responsible for the maintenance
and safeguarding thereof; end
the Azency shell méeintein a record thereof in such a
manner as-to insure adequate control and accounting
satisfactory to the Commissicn.

Whenever any inventicn or discovery is made or conceived by an
employee, a consultant, or @ contractor of the Agency in the course
of or under the terms of this agreement, the Agency shall furnish

the Commission with complete information thereen; end the Commission
shall have the sole power to determine whether or not, and where a

patent asplication shall de filed, and to determine the dispositicn
of the title to and the rignts under any application or patent that
may result.
The judgment of the Cemmission on these matte

be accepted as final; and the Agency, for itself and for its employees,

consultants, or contractors shall asree that the inventor or inventors
Will execute all documents end do all things necessary or prover to
‘carry out the judmement of the Commission, including aiding the

- Commission (at Government exvense by proper arrensgements) in the
prosecution of applications for the patents and in the defense of
the Government's rights in any country.

No claim for pecuniary avard or compensation under the provisions

of the Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 shall be asserted by the

Agency, its emoloyees, consultants or contractors with respect to any
invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of, or uncer
‘the terms of this agreement.
Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Commission, the
Agency will obtain vatent acreenents to eatffectuate the nurvoses of

paragravhs (2) end (vb) of this Article Trem all persons (exceDe such




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Select target paragraph3