
clerical and manual lebor personnel as will not have access to technical


data} who perform any part.of the work under this egreement and any

other contracts entered into for performance of work called for under

this agreement.



It is recognized that during the course of the work under this
agreement, the. Agency or its employees, consultants or contractors may

from time to time desire to publish, within the limits of security

requirements, information regarding scientific or technical developments
made or concéived in the course of or under this interagency agreement.
In order that pudlic disclosure of such information will not adversely

-affect the patent interests of the Commission or Agency, petent approval
for release and publication shall be secured fron the Commission prior

to any such release or publication.


In order that the regulations of the Agency may be made applicable

to inventions, discoveries, or’ improvements, in which the Commissicn
determines that it does not desire to file or retain all rig
gnts, the

Commission agrees, if requested by the Agency, to inform it as to all

such inventions, discoveries and improvements revorted to the Commission
hereunder which "eo not involve classified information or Rastricted
Data, and the remulations of the Agency shall be applicable thereto.






Contracting Agenev's Duty +

Restri ctvad





In the performance of the work under this agreement,

the Agency spelt

An accordance with the Atomic Energy Comnission's security regulatio
and requirements, be responsible for safeguarding Restricted Data,

‘Formerly Restricted Data, and other ‘classified information


against sabotase, espionage, loss and theft, the classified documenits
and material in the Asency's possession in connection with the performen
of work uncer this asreement.
Except as otherwise exoressly provided in
the agreement, the Agency shall, upon completion or termination of this


agreement, transmit to the Commission

any classified matter in the

possession of the
Agency or any verson under the Asency's control in
connection with verformence of this agreement.
If retention by the A:

of any classified matter is required after tne completion or ternin2ti

of the agreement and such retention is approved by the Commission, th
Agency will complete a certificate of possession to be furnished to the
Atomic Energy Commission specifying the classified matter to be retaina

The certification snallidentify the items and types or categories of

matter retained, the conditions governing the retention of the matter,
and the period of retention, if known.
If retention is approved oy the
Commission, the security provisions of the agreement will continue to 0
_applicable to the mritter retained.



fhe Agency agrees to conform to all security regulations and requiremen

of the Comission.





Select target paragraph3