No. W-7405-Eng-48

The cover
Test spill of 5 m” of liquefied natural gas
(LNG) at the Naval Weapons Center, China
Lake, California. Natural gas remains in liquid
form only at temperatures below 113K
(-160°C). Thus. if the liquid is accidentally
spilied in transport, it evaporates rapidly and ex:
pandsfar beyond its original volume, forming a

About the joumal

hazard to anyone or anythingin its path. Some

biomedical and environmentalresearch, applied
energy technology, and other research activities.

horizontal pipe is roughly 2m above the surface
of the pond. In tests such as this one, LLNL

published monthly to report on accamplish-

cloud of flammable vapor that poses a serious

sense of the size of the cloud shownin the cover
photographs can be obtained by noting that the

researchers are trying to amass the data needed
to develop computer models of LNG dispersion
under various atmospheric conditions. These

modeis will help the U.S. Department of Energy

provide realistic safety guidelines for the
transport and storage of LNG. For further information on this project, see the article on p. 27.

The Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory is operated by the University of

California for the United States Department of
Energy. The Laboratory is one of two nuclear
weapons design laboratories in the United

Stales. Today more than half of our effort is

devoted to programs in magnetic and laser fusion energy, basic physics and chemistry,

The Energy end Technology Review is

ments in these research and applied technology

efforts and on unclassified portions of the

weapons program. A’ companion joumal, the
Research Monthiy, reports on weapons research
and other classified programs. Selected titles

from past issues of the Energy and Technology
Review are listed opposite the inside back cover.

Scientific editors
Erik Storm

Stein Weissenberger

General editors
Richard B. Crawlord
Kent Madsen
Hazel Whiteoak
Graphics designer
John Schuster


Prepared for DOE under contract

Select target paragraph3