

The initial helicopter radiation survey showed radiat‘on

readings on the islands of BIKINI Atoll to be negligible.

3ase: on

the initial surveys, reentry hour was estimated as 1000M, 21 May

(Ht) hours).

All RADEX notices were withdraw by H+12 hours.

S, The Off-Atoll Monitoring Stations (TA3 G) reported all
intensities no higher than background through CHDROIGH plus tires crs,


The fallout forecast for CHEROKES (TA3 B) was base? on the

assumption that the fission yield +El ard

that fuse malfunction would result in a carfdebarst of the veapor,
Savety considerations dictated the use of these two assumnptio.s.
Actually, the most probable pattern was expected to be less wien
1/1000 of the predicted pattern.

previously was negligible.

The measured fallout es indicated



Select target paragraph3