Dispersion and deposition of fallout from nuclear testmg @B E Moroz er at
are provided m Draxler and Hess (1998) Draxler and
Hess (1998) discussed a HYSPLIT simulation of the

release from the Chermoby] reactor accident which took
place m the former Soviet Umon m 1986 Resulong
deposition contours and peaks were compared agamst
those reported m Klug et al (1992) It was found that
contour patterns were reasonably consistent and the
HYSPLIT-computed deposition peaks were numerically
~10% higher than the reported values m the best case
Two additional studies which used HYSPLIT as a
research tool for modeling fallout processes mclude
Kmser (2001) and Swanberg and Hoffert (2001), who

simulated releases of '’Cs from the Chernobyl] reactor
accident to mvestigate model-predicted wet deposition

and resuspension as a source of '°’Cs m Europe

Meteorological input data
Highspatial density meteorological data are e1ther
not available or are very sparse during the 1950’s for
many areas mcluding the mid-Pacific Ocean where the
Marshall Islands are located, the NTS, and the Semipal-

atmsk Test Site For that reason, meteorological imput
data from a reanalysis data set were used Thereanalysis
was conducted as a collaborative effort between the
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)

and the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) with the purpose of recovering historical
weather observations from many sources, providmg
quahty controlofthe data, and compiling the results so as
to fulfill the research needs for chmate momtormg and
prediction The NCEP/NCARdatabase covers the period
1948-2008 and provides forecasts at regular temporal
tervals of four times daily (though, durmg the period
1948-1957, forecasts are provided erght times daily) and
at a spatial resolution of 2 5 degrees
The most 1mportant observational data mcorporated
ito the reanalysis data set for the purposes of our study
are the upper-air wind data Upper-atr wid data are
primarily derived from the world’s upper-atr rawinsonde
network, although a considerable amount of anrcraft

reconnaissance data was also incorporated mto the
NCAR/NCEPreanalysis The US Aur Force prepared a
global collection of atrcraft data that covered the time
period 1948-1970 Arrcraft data were also contributed
by the University of Hawanfrom locations mthe tropics
for the time period 1960-1973
Early rawmsonde coverage m the US 1s farrly
complete, though less data are available for other parts of
the world Good coverage m the US began in 1948
while periods of good coverage m China, India, and
Russia cannot be found earlter than the 1950's and
1960’s Wind profiles from several operational weather
stations m the Marshall Islands were available in addition


to upper-air wind measurements taken at test site locations by the US Army (DNA 1979), although the
supporting literature does not unequivocally report that
those observations were mcorporated into the NCAR/
Precipitation observations im the reanalysis data set
are also 1mportant, but appear to be muchless rehable
than upper-air wind data In the NCAR/NCEPreanalysis
model, observed precipitation data do not play a direct
part m the reanalysis output Precipitation dataare solely
driven by the reanalysis model and can exhubit regional
biases (Kalnay et al 1996)

General methods
The HYSPLIT model wastested using a systematic
approach for stmulatmg the transport and deposition of
radioactive particles resultmg from a nuclear weapons
test A range ofparticle sizes were released from a range
of altitudes at a smgle source location and tracked over
time The proportion of deposited particles and the
location of deposition were then evaluated by comparing
model-predicted deposition patterns and time of fallout
arrival against known deposition patterns and best available estimates
In order to simulate the deposition density of a

specific radionuchde, such as ‘Cs, a crude model was
developed to qualitatively relate HYSPLIT particle dep-

osition to "Cs deposition as a function offission yield,
debris cloud size, and stabilization altitude Ths model

assumesa lognormaldistribution of activity as a function
of particle diameter based on data from the NTS (Izrael

2002) In order to simulate *’Cs ground deposition
density (Bq m~*) for comparison with the "Cs depos
tion densities m the Marshall Islands reported by Beck et

al (2010), the "Cs particle-size distribution was modi-

fied to reflect the fact that '’Cs tends to be depleted on
larger particles Much of the 'Cs 1s formed after the
heavier particles have already deposited due to '’Cs
havmg a gaseous precursor, 'Xe (Beck et al 2010)
Here we assumethat ~80% ofthe total '’Cs activity 1s

found on particles less than 50 2m m diameter This
assumption 1s consistent with data and models for a coral
surface shot, as reported by Freiling et al (1965) The

apportionment of the "Cs on particle sizes less than 50
pin (ie, 80%) was chosen based on experience and

Judgment since little actual data are available from the

literature Theparticle-size distributionsfor ¥’Cs activity

used for the Marshall Island stmulations are shown m
Table 1 In order to estrmate the sensitivity of the

simulated deposition density of "Cs, two otherparticle-

size distributions were tested m selected simulations The

Select target paragraph3