
of sarily fiseien materizis by asricuitusol srops and ecley
minerel influences.

Effects of Radiation
Histelocical preperatbicns of aeloetead animal tissue and plant

samples will be made, ag well as eosurvatione on native rodents
remeved “rem contaminated onmvironvents and maintained in the


Method of Volake
The role of inhalation in the contribution of metebalic ace
tivity found in enime 2 will be cwaiartaken.


Determination of actual c:sadiatior, axcosure of animals as a

function of micro envircnments, sid correlation of dose to
physical msasurements of activity will 26 established.
It should be noted that these undertasings are dependent upen ob=

taining data during the first twenty-four to forty<ight hours after Shot
and zcre, therevora, logical field undertakings.

At the same time the

successful interpretation of biological data nestssitetes the availae
bility of data pertaiming to the physical characteristics of Fall-out,

i.e., total residual environmental convemirs:tions particle size distribution; physical choracteristics of particicsus rzlation of biclogical
sampling aroas to over-all Falil-out pettorn: aad rates of accwrulation or
dispersion of ectivity in the environusst.

The abeve vroposal is there=~

fore predicated on the fact that the Durt on? Particulate studies will be
activated and furistion as a separate profes.


Select target paragraph3