
Inhalation probably can nct account for the total metabolized
activity bus its contribution may be significant.
No evidence of gress pathology or lesicns were noted as a result
of extreme radiation exposure to native animals living in envirenments contaminated at levels of several hundred R, infinite

A correlstion did exist between environmental contamination and
uptake of activity by native rodents suggesting the valld use of
native rodentc as indicators of biclogically available activity
resuiting from Fall-out deposited at distances less than twenty
miles from Ground Zero.

This Division suggests a five point project to obtain specific field
data to answer questions posed by the above summary and concurrent labo~
ratory work .


Biological Hanitoring
This woald invelve the sampling of native rodents from sel=

ected areas of maximmm contamination by Fall-out, at various
distances (less than 120 miles from Ground Zero), to determine
relative animal uptake as a function of the physical character-

istics of Fali-out; and to provide refined data with which to
compare environmental decay rate, tissue decay rate, and decay
rates determined by serial sempling of native populations, to

batter define the true relation of metabolic activity to en=
vironmental activity.

Availability of Activity
An effor> will be made to daterzine the metabolic availability of both primary Fall-out and air-borne particles of early
fission materials.

This includes the identification ‘of isotopes

involved, degres of contamination of forage crops, the uptake


Select target paragraph3