Commander's Concept of Operations
of all using agencies. Using agencies will be expected to plan their
movement activities sufficiently in advance to permit proper schedu-

ling and maximum utilization of sm2ll craft.

(3) During shore operations, the joint task force Scheduling

Panel will be located on ENINMAN ISLAND. When the task force goes
afloat, the Scheduling Panel will be located on the LSD.
(4) Prior to shot #4 (KOON), the TG 7.5 boat pool will be evacuated to ENIWETOK ATOLL. At this time, CTG 7.3 assumes responsibility
for all boat pool operations at BIKINI and conducts these operations
from afloat.

Although CTG 7.3 may be required to furnish small craft

at ENIWETOK during shots #5 and #6, the completion of operations at
BIKINI remains as the primary mission for the TG 7.3 boat pool.

At Eniwetok Atoll

(1) The Commander, TG 7-2 and CTG 7.5 will continue to operate
their respective boat pools in accordance with existing procedures.
(2) Augmentation of TG 7.2 boat pool operations will be provided
by CTG 7.3 and CTG 7-5 if CJIF SEVEN determines that capacity population on ENIWETOK ISLAND requires such augmentation.


The following evacuation procedures apply:

(1) SHOT #2 (BRAVO). There will be no pre-shot evacuation of
personnel or materiel from BIKINI ATOLL for this shot. Camp sites on


ae All BIKINI based personnel and equipment not directly involved in
late preparations and shot operations will be phased to ENIWETOK ATOLL
prior to B minus 2 days.

the ENINMAN ISLAND group need not be cleared of personnel prior to

the shote

Boat pool craft not required elsewhere will be beached or

remain in BIKINI lagoon.

(2) SHOT #2 (UNION) and SHOT #3 (NECTAR)
(a) Pre-shot evacuation from BIKINI ATOLL of personnel and

limited materiel required for reentry operations may be indicated hbe-

cause of possibility of radioactive "throw-out" or excessive wave
action. However, final decision on pre-shot evacuation for both of
these shots is deferred until studies now being made are completed.

(bd) In the event of unpredicted contamination of the ENINMAN

ISLAND camp, a capability for several days operation from afloat must
exist for limited personnel necessary for continuation of the operatione


(c) If excessive wave action is predicted, surface craft will
be anchored in deep water in the southern part of BIKINI lagoon or
accompany the joint task force to sea

(3) SHOT #4 (KOON). Prior to Shot #4, all task force personnel



Select target paragraph3